A Message From Our CEO
A heartfelt thank you to our donors who have contributed substantially to our ability to accomplish so much during this challenging year. I am humbled by your outpouring of support and want to share encouraging news. The most important news is that you’ve changed lives: your donations helped us increase emergency assistance to our patients and their families that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Your support for our Capital Fund has helped us equip the majority of our new Midtown Miami health center scheduled to open in 2021 that will significantly expand health and supportive services to Miami’s medically underserved populations. Individual donations from AIDS Walk Miami team members and from Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union Wade have been instrumental in increasing access to specialized services and programs for our LGBTQ+ community.
I look back upon this year with gratitude to you for the difference you’ve made in the lives of so many. While there is much to be thankful for in the past year, with your help we can meet a vision to significantly increase our impact in 2021 and can see so many more lives changed.
My best wishes to you and your family during these uncertain times.
Rick Siclari, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
COVID-19 Emergency Response
We received more than $1.68 million in aid from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to help us reduce the spread of the coronavirus and keep our patients and front-line workers safe. We converted medical and behavioral health visits to telehealth visits, moved case management appointments to virtual meetings, provided at-home HIV testing, and added hotlines to give patients immediate guidance on COVID-19 and HIV prevention services. All while maintaining 98% of service levels of the previous year.
With the support from Delta Dental, Direct Relief, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the National Association of Community Health Centers, and others we received $84,000 year-to-date for our Emergency Assistance Fund, which supports the emergency needs of our patients throughout South Florida. Hundreds of individuals and families have received at-home HIV testing and linkage to care, food vouchers, and urgent housing assistance including mortgage, rent, or utility payments thanks to these generous grants and donations.
Emergency Housing Assistance
Housing is an important contributor to health—without a stable home, one’s physical and mental health is profoundly affected. The generous support of our Emergency Assistance Fund donors and grants from FEMA and United Way of Miami-Dade’s Emergency Food & Shelter Program helped us to provide 34 families with emergency housing assistance to ensure they can stay in their homes during the pandemic. As the need for assistance continues to grow, we are here to help.
Keeping Food On The Table
Our Food for Life Network (FFLN) food pantry has seen a dramatic increase in the need for food by our existing clients and there is a tremendous increase in the number of people calling and walking in every day for food. The need for food among our HIV clients has increased by 70% over the previous year, going from 694 clients to 1,185. Your donations to FFLN support all clients and their families who are not covered by government funding with a $50 food voucher for immediate use at local grocery stores. More than $4,000 in food vouchers have been given out during the pandemic.
HIV Services
The HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to surge during COVID-19 and has created additional health risks for patients living with HIV. Donations from AIDS Walk Miami 2020, including the support of our top peer-to-peer fundraisers Peter Andolina (Team Miami Gay Men’s Chorus), George Fisher (Team Grove Churches) and Gretter Lopez (Team Clear Health Alliance), Merck Foundation, Wells Fargo, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, MAC Viva Glam Fund and others supported specialized care for our HIV patients and helped to institute a new at-home HIV testing program that includes support from our staff, including emergency transportation to our health centers offered through Uber Health.
Partnering Together To Expand the Health Safety Net
We are undertaking major expansions that will significantly increase access to affordable healthcare in South Florida. Learn more about our Capital Fund.
Midtown Miami Health Center
Our deepest gratitude to the Health Foundation of South Florida, Clear Health Alliance, and the Employees of Care Resource for supporting our Capital Fund and the expansion of our Midtown Miami health center scheduled to open in 2021 that will dramatically expand healthcare and services to our medically underserved population.
Little Havana Health Center
We have acquired and will renovate a 32,408 sq. foot building as our new Little Havana health center scheduled to open in early 2022. This new center will expand our current health services and provide additional services including a food pantry to meet the growing needs of our patient population in this area.
Broward Health Center
Our Broward facilities and services are expanding with our recently opened Behavioral Health Annex and the renovation of our Broward health center. As a result, we anticipate the number of medical, behavioral health, and dental patients we serve annually will increase by 20% – from just over 7,400 patients to more than 8,900, and from more than 32,500 visits to more than 39,000 per year.