
Care Resource Services

Our community health centers are proud to offer you the following programs and services listed below. Please click on one or more of the tabs for complete information on what is offered. For additional information or questions, please contact us directly.
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Direct Client Services

Direct client services are designed to meet your needs directly by providing food, transportation, utility, and rental/housing services. While most of our programming helps you connect with other resources to meet your individual needs, we also provide services directly to you to meet important needs.

Our case managers can help you navigate the different options, assess your needs, and apply for services you may be eligible for.

Food For Life Network

Since 1987, our food pantry has been a vital source of food and nutritional support for individuals with chronic illnesses in Miami-Dade County. Those who qualify for Ryan White Food Bank services can receive up to 20 weeks of groceries each year. Additionally, those who meet specific criteria may be eligible for an extra 16 weeks of assistance.

Home-delivered meals are available for clients receiving Medicaid waiver services, ensuring they receive nutritious meals right at their doorstep. The National Board’s Emergency Food program also provides one-time annual emergency food assistance to anyone in need.


Working with a combination of funders, we can provide public transportation assistance. Access depends on availability and funding. Check with your case manager to see if you qualify.

National Board’s Emergency Food and Shelter Program

We receive limited funding annually aimed at helping anyone in Miami-Dade County with rental, utility, and/or food assistance. The grants are only available under certain qualifying conditions (Miami-Dade Residency, photo ID, social security number) and only until funds are exhausted. Check with your case manager to see if funds are available.


Care Resource works closely with the City of Fort Lauderdale and the City of Miami to provide services through the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. Even though these programs target people with HIV/AIDS, our staff expertise allows us to provide limited assistance to anyone needing housing help by referral to area programs.

Housing Case Management (Fort Lauderdale)

If you have HIV/AIDS, a housing case manager may be able to assist you in preparing a budget, looking for work, applying for emergency rental or mortgage assistance, or apply for assistance with utility bills. Depending on eligibility, they can also assist you with moving expenses, rental deposits, and deposits for water and electric services.

Long-Term Rental Assistance (Dade County):

If you have been diagnosed with AIDS, the City of Miami operates a Long Term Rental Assistance (LTRA) program that assigns cases to Care Resource for our housing specialists to manage. Check the City’s website for an opportunity to apply for their waiting list. We have staff at all locations who are experts in local rental markets and may be able to assist you with your housing questions.


Care Resource case management and navigation staff provide assistance and guidance in identifying and applying for various county, state, and federal benefit programs. Discuss your needs with our staff so we can assist you in accessing these valuable services. Listed below are some of the programs available.

Florida AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

The purpose of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program is to ensure that underserved and uninsured individuals living with HIV/AIDS have access to life-saving medications. The AIDS Insurance Continuation Program (AICP) is a statewide program for persons who are diagnosed with AIDS or are HIV positive with symptoms and who, because of their illness, are unable to maintain their private health insurance coverage. The program makes direct payments (up to $750/month) to each client’s employer or insurance company for the continuation of medical, dental, mental health and optical coverage. The AICP does not pay for disability or life insurance. The AICP will also pay any fees associated with the conversion of a COBRA policy to an individual policy or policy upgrades. The program will also pay client co-payments and deductibles on an as-needed basis depending on the availability of funds.

Prescription Assistance Programs

A case manager or a health navigator can help you access resources that may help pay for your medications through the manufacturer’s programs or other savings programs. Those programs are also available to access PrEP.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

A federal program for low-income households that provides supplementary food support.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families with Children (TANF)

This statewide program is designed to end the dependence by needy parents on government benefits by promoting training, job preparation, and engagement in productive activities like education, volunteering, and work.

For more information, call us at 305-576-1234

See our full list of health services by clicking on the link below or call 305-576-1234:

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