
Care Resource Services

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SPOT Mobile Medical Clinic

Care Resource has launched a new mobile medical clinic, The SPOT (Special Purpose Outreach Team). This mobile clinic addresses Broward’s accelerating opioid epidemic by providing the only Syringe Services Program (SSP) in the county.

This SSP builds relationships with those with active substance use disorders and gives them access to medical care or substance use treatment, bridging the gap between treatment and individuals continuing to use. It is an opportunity to provide preventative care, reduce the spread of HIV or Hepatitis C, and reduce emergency visits for infections or abscesses by providing wound care proactively.

The SPOT also distributes COVID-19 vaccines and extends vital health services to underserved communities. The SPOT staff are embedded within the community to identify gaps in care and emerging drug use trends to improve public health and safety for everyone. For more information, visit:

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