$100 Hourly Raffles on Jan 8 for COVID-19 Vaccine & Test recipients
On Saturday, January 8, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Care Resource is hosting a family COVID-19 vaccination event at their health center in Little Havana located at 1901 S.W. 1st Street.
In addition to fun giveaway items, the health center is holding hourly $100 raffles for community members that receive either a COVID-19 test or vaccine.
The health center is currently administering Pfizer (5+ and up), and Moderna, (18+ and up). 3rd dose booster shots are also available to all those that qualify.
According to Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development with Care Resource, “This family vaccination event at our health center in Little Havana on January 8 is an opportunity for community members to further increase their resilience and help ensure that everybody is safe if we are to recover better together. COVID-19 continues to highlight how interdependent we all are and how reliant we are on cooperation and compassion to successfully defeat the virus.”
Care Resource is committed to providing the COVID-19 vaccine to as many members of our communities as possible as quickly and safely as possible. May this effort help lead toward that long-awaited moment of joining back together, safely and joyfully.