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Russell Corbett, President/Chair


Russell Corbett, a native of Miami, studied at Miami Dade Community College and Broward Community College and worked in retail, landscape design, and home health care before taking a job with the US Postal Service in 1981. He held numerous positions in Mail Processing, Customer Service, and Human Resources before retiring in 2013 to care for his mother.

In October 1983, Russell was one of seven founding board members of Health Crisis Network (HCN) serving several terms as an officer and a member of the Executive Committee. In 1998, when HCN merged with Community Research Initiative (CRI) and became Care Resource, Russell was elected to the new Board and has served as one of the Vice Presidents, Treasurer, a member of the Executive Committee and most recently as President/Chair.

Russell has also been active with the South Florida Renaissance Historical Society and The Episcopal AIDS Ministry at Trinity Cathedral. From 1983 until 2001 he volunteered with the outreach program at St. Bernard de Clairvaux Episcopal Church in North Miami Beach where he also sang in the choir, served several terms on the Vestry and served as Verger. Since 2002, he has served at his new parish, St. Stephens Episcopal Church Coconut Grove, as a Verger, acolyte, chorister, as a member of & co-chair of the Aids Out-reach Ministry and has been elected to three terms on the Vestry, and is currently serving as a Trustee for St Stephen’s Episcopal Day School.

Russell and Christopher, his partner since 1989 and husband since 2014, live on Enchanted Place in North Miami where, with the help of several neighbors, they were instrumental at the beginning of the Enchanted Place Holiday Lights Display which brought over $350,000 in donations to the agency from 1992 through 2015.

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