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Care Resource Honors World AIDS Day

Maximizing Impact in Our Communities Through Prevention

Every December 1, the global community observes World AIDS Day (WAD), one of the most recognized health awareness days. WAD raises awareness around HIV/AIDS, memorializes those who have passed away, and shows solidarity with the millions of people living with HIV worldwide.

World AIDS Day December 1This WAD, we celebrate the achievements in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention. The key to healing our communities is access to HIV prevention and comprehensive treatment. Care Resource provides affordable and comprehensive services despite the social determinants of health that limit access to care.

In addition, Care Resource and other community-based health and government organizations have raised awareness around U=U, a campaign spreading the message that ‘undetectable means untransmittable.’ This message has empowered individuals living with or exposed to HIV, instead of stigmatizing them.

Individuals living with HIV, who undergo antiretroviral therapy (ART), can maintain an undetectable viral load and not transmit the virus. Additionally, those who are HIV negative can protect themselves from transmission using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a biomedical HIV prevention method. At Care Resource, PrEP navigators engage individuals who are eligible for the PrEP program and assist them in obtaining PrEP at low or no cost.

Before engaging in PrEP, it is essential to receive routine HIV testing and know your status. Early detection can lead to early treatment and better outcomes. The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested at least once as part of routine health care, and those at high risk get tested at least once a year. The Test and Treat Program (T&T) initiates Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) within 24 hours of an HIV diagnosis for patients who are newly diagnosed or who were previously in care.

Care Resource tests in high-risk areas where the likelihood of HIV transmission is high and access to care is low. Once locations are identified, Care Resource sends mobile HIV testing units to increase screenings and provide education.

With early detection, proper care, and the support of compassionate providers, people can live long and fulfilling lives because the advancements in HIV prevention and treatment options have been significant. On this World AIDS Day, we recognize that we are the key to ending HIV/AIDS and living healthier and fuller lives.

Mark your calendars, get tested, and let’s unite to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Click Here for regular Care Resource testing hours and locations. See below for HIV testing at partner locations.

For media inquiries, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development at jwelsh@careresource.org.

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