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Knowledge Is Power – Prevent and Detect

Care Resource recognizes that regular preventive care is one of the most important ways to maintain your health over time.

In recognition of the importance of women’s health, from October 1 to December 31, 2019, new female patients without insurance may qualify to receive a FREE basic exam, lab work, and a Pap smear. Existing uninsured female patients who have not received a Pap smear in the past twelve months may also be eligible for a Pap test. Detecting cervical cancer early with a Pap smear can give you a greater chance at a cure. Our providers and staff are prepared to address your health needs – from adolescence to menopause and beyond.

“Please remember that lesbian women and transgender men who still have a cervix should also get regular pap smears.  This is because HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer, can be spread through oral sex and digital (finger) penetration, as well as vaginal and anal intercourse.” Patrice Yang, M.D, Primary Care Physician

To make an appointment or for more information please call: 305-576-1234 EXT: 470 (English) and 471 (Español)

If eligible, the patient will receive a preventive medical voucher number.

Terms and Conditions Apply: Vouchers are ONLY valid for new, female medical patients without private or government insurance. Existing female patients who have not received a Pap smear in the past 12 months may also qualify for a Pap test. The usage of this voucher is considered an acknowledgment by the patient that they are not insured. The promotion applies to appointments made between October 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019, however, appointment dates may be scheduled outside this window period. Offer has no cash value and becomes void if the appointment is canceled. Limited quantity and on a first-come, first-served basis. Promotion is subject to change or termination at any time, without notice. A follow-up visit must be scheduled within six weeks of the initial visit.

For Media Inquiries or additional article information, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Development and Communications at

For media inquiries, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development at

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