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A Matter of Time: Examining Forty Years of AIDS While Living through a Pandemic

Lessons and memories through an exhibition at the Coral Gables Museum

A Matter of TimeIn the summer of 1981, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) published the first reports of five young gay men in Los Angeles with respiratory complications and other infectious diseases; two had already died. Later, the world would know the disease like AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Over 75 million people worldwide were infected with HIV in a matter of time, and over 33 million have died since the beginning of the epidemic.

Care Resource is a sponsor of the exhibition “A Matter of Time: Examining Forty Years of AIDS While Living through a Pandemic” which is on display until July 18, 2021 at the Coral Gables Museum located at 285 Aragon Ave.

The exhibition gathers historical information on the emergence and development of AIDS, forty years after the first reported case. Taking over three galleries of the Coral Gables Museum, a myriad of objects, documents, and major artworks in different disciplines help trace American and Miami-related stories of those who have passed away from the condition and those that have survived.

Health center staff, alongside an array of community partners, will be onsite throughout the exhibition speaking about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), HIV primary care, health screenings, case management services, HIV and STI testing, and more. Science, public health, art, and culture among other relevant topics, will be explored not only in the on-site exhibit but also virtually.

The exhibition is curated by Shed Boren, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Florida International University, and Yuni Villalonga, Chief Curator, Coral Gables Museum.

Through education, prevention, research, care and treatment and support services, Care Resource improves upon the health and overall quality of life of our diverse South Florida communities in need.

For media inquiries, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development at jwelsh@careresource.org.

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