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Healing Through the Arts During World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day MiamiOn December 1, 2022, from 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm, Care Resource is hosting a tribute to World AIDS Day with the theme, “Healing Through the Arts” on the rooftop of their Midtown Miami health center located at 3510 Biscayne Boulevard.

The night includes dance performances by the United Ballroom Houses of South Florida, an array of donated and radiant art pieces, poetry readings, a candlelight vigil, and more.

This event incorporates four pillars to ending the epidemic that include: diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and response. This tribute is an opportunity to recognize, honor and celebrate the medical advancements made during the past 30 years.

According to Steven Santiago, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, “World AIDS Day reminds us that HIV has not gone away. The event’s four pillars of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and response are crucial to increasing awareness, fighting prejudice, and improving education. Diagnosis is a reminder that there are still people living with HIV who are not aware. Prevention is a reminder about the need to further increase methods to reduce the rate of infection. Treatment is a reminder that hope is available for people who do not know their status. The pillar of Response is critical as it is a reminder to the community that new outbreaks are happening all the time.”

Observed worldwide on December 1, World AIDS Day is the moment of the year when millions of people come together across the globe to commemorate those who have been lost to HIV, applaud the progress made in responding to the crises, and recommit to ending the epidemic.

For media inquiries, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development at jwelsh@careresource.org.

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