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The Art of Healthy Aging

Healthy AgingWhen people envision aging, they generally like to think of the concept as far away and in the distant future. They think that people who are in their golden years are weak, frail and no longer contribute to society.

However, in our modern age of medicine and technology that archaic thought on aging has changed.

The fact is people are living longer than they have ever before. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average life expectancy of American women is 81 years, and 77 years for men. United Income, a financial planning and investment management company targeted to those ages 50 to 70, informs that, “As of February 2019, more than 20 percent of adults over age 65 are either working or looking for work, compared with 10 percent in 1985.”

Accessing high-quality healthcare is especially difficult for immigrants living in the United States. However, for older undocumented immigrants this difficulty is compounded by a combination of legal, cultural, language and systemic barriers, which have widened the existing disparities of healthcare access for this population. Undocumented immigrants are forced to continue working in their older age as they are ineligible for Medicare, Social Security and retirement benefits and for most, working conditions can be less than ideal.

We realize that with older Americans working past their golden years it is imperative that they have access to quality medical care in order to keep them healthy, happy and working longer. With three locations in Miami-Dade County, and another in Broward County, we are offering new patients without insurance a medical voucher for a no-cost preventative visit. We want to make sure that our seniors get the medical care they need in order to continue being vigorous and productive members of society that will allow them to live longer than the current life expectancy.

Here are some tips for seniors to aging healthy:

  1. Wellness visits and recommended screenings
  2. Vision and hearing screenings
  3. Exercise and stay active
  4. Maintain strong bones
  5. Eat a heart healthy diet
  6. Take vitamins
  7. Keep your medications organized and safe
  8. Get your beauty rest
  9. Socialize
  10. Keep a sound mind and positive outlook


About Care Resource:

Care Resource is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) with four locations in Midtown Miami, Little Havana, Miami Beach, and Fort Lauderdale. The health center provides comprehensive health and support services to address the full health care needs of South Florida’s pediatric, adolescent, and adult populations.

For media inquiries, please contact Jonathan Welsh, Associate Director of Communications and Development at jwelsh@careresource.org.

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