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Jaime Franco, PhD, MBA, MPH, Member


Jaime Franco is Vice President and Managing Partner at LITMUS, a clinical trials consulting firm where he plays a key role in project management, total quality management, and human capital development. He’s also a Principal of a group of medical spas in South Florida.

Dr. Franco is also an assistant professor at Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and adjunct at the R. Kirk Landon Undergraduate School of Business and the Chapman Graduate School of Business.

Dr. Franco has 20 plus years working in corporate and non-corporate environments. He taught health sciences in health professional programs at several colleges and universities in Illinois. He worked for the Illinois Department of Public Health and NGOs participating in clinical trials. He also worked for several Fortune 500 companies such as Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and FedEx.

At FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Division he managed finance, sales, quality driven management, human capital, and social responsibility programs for over 4,000 employees located throughout 50 countries and territories aligning with global strategies for 300,000 employees worldwide.

Dr. Franco is committed to global citizenship efforts locally and nationally. He serves on the board of directors of Care Resource and the March of Dimes and is a committee member of the Academy of Management and Health Council of South Florida.

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