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Hudes Desrameaux, MPH, Chief Development Officer


Hudes is Chief Development Officer (CDO) for Care Resource. As such, he is responsible for the management of the 340B Drug Pricing program and all the grant-related activities of our health center. His scope of work extends to the oversight of the following units: Contract, Call Center, Credentialing, Managed Care, and Program Development.

He is proud of the fact that these revenue-generating activities allow our health center to provide access to safe and quality care as well as providing medications to our uninsured and low-income individuals in our community. Hudes joined Care Resource in 2004 and was once responsible for the management of various prevention, compliance, data and accreditation initiatives.

Hudes’s past experiences include working in the Obstetrics department at the University of Miami School of Medicine from 1990 to 2004. He was for three (3) years the director of their Ryan White Title III/Part C program and previously in charge of their case management program. He is particularly proud of the fact that his team of case managers played a key role in the landmark ACTG 076 research study which successfully addressed HIV perinatal transmission from mother to infant.

In his spare time, he watches soccer, reads and writes and donates his time working with different community-based organizations in Miami-Dade County.

Hudes holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and a Master’s in Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) from the University of Miami in Miami.

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