
Your support makes a direct impact on the ability to continually expand our service and provide quality healthcare for all in need.

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Donor Recognition

Your major gifts are direct investments in improving the lives of the underserved of South Florida. With your donations, we can continue to expand and improve services for those in need.

Keystone Society

Donors who contribute to Care Resource with a major gift of $5,000 or more receive recognition as members of the Keystone Society. Giving levels include:

  • Friend ($5,000-$9,999)
  • Supporter ($10,000-$24,999)
  • Patron ($25,000-$49,999)
  • Founder ($50,000-$99,999)
  • Visionary ($100,000-$999,999)
  • Chairman’s Circle ($1,000,000 and above)

Recognition benefits include:

  • Plaque, trophy, picture, or other recognition piece presented at a special function;
  • Inclusion in Care Resource digital and print materials (newsletter, annual report, and website);
  • Press release announcing $25,000 gifts or more;
  • Digital recognition in patient lobbies of all Care Resource House Centers.
  • Invitations to exclusive events.

    Gift-In-Kind Honor Roll (Annual)

    Companies who contribute $10,000 or more of in-kind goods to Care Resource will be listed on the Care Resource Gift-In-Kind Honor Roll and will receive the following annual recognition:

    • Pin, trophy, picture, or other recognition piece presented at a Care Resource special function;
    • Inclusion in Care Resource digital and print materials (newsletter, annual report, and website)

    See our full list of health services by clicking on the link below or call 305-576-1234:

    > Health Services


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