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El kit de medios SPOT

Care Resource Launches “The SPOT” Mobile Medical Clinic with Syringe Services Program to Address Opioid Crisis and HIV Epidemic in Broward County




FORT LAUDERDALE, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 – In response to the opioid crisis, ongoing HIV epidemic, and the COVID-19 pandemic in Broward County, Care Resource Community Health Centers, Inc. announces the launch of The SPOT (Special Purpose Outreach Team) Mobile Medical Clinic, which provides the only Syringe Services Program (SSP) approved by Broward County and authorized under the Florida Infectious Disease Elimination Act (IDEA). The SPOT also addresses the immediate need to bring COVID vaccinations and mobile medical care to historically underserved communities.

A foundational gift for the purchase of The SPOT’s mobile medical clinic was made by Peter B. Cinelli, M.D., a retired New York surgeon and Fort Lauderdale philanthropist. Additional funding is provided by United Way of Broward County, Care Resource, and a Gilead FOCUS award to support HIV/HCV testing and linkage to a first appointment. Future funding relies upon grants and private donations due to the limited and restricted SSP funding available from the government.

"Hemos visto de primera mano el aumento de pacientes que acuden a nosotros con VIH, hepatitis C y otras infecciones después de compartir jeringas usadas". stated Dr. Thomas Smith, Director of Behavioral Health Services at Care Resource. “También hemos visto un aumento dramático (51%) en las muertes causadas por opioides en Broward durante la primera mitad de 2021 en comparación con el año anterior. El SSP de SPOT es clave para prevenir estas tragedias al sacar las jeringas usadas de la calle, realizar pruebas de VIH y VHC y prevenir las sobredosis mediante la educación y la distribución de naloxona ”.

Access to care is one of the many barriers for individuals struggling with substance abuse. The SPOT will serve hard-to-reach communities and connect people who use IV drugs with vital services available at Care Resource including medical and behavioral healthcare, and HIV prevention and treatment plans. SSP participants are also five times more likely to enter treatment, like Care Resource’s Medically Assisted Treatment program, for substance use disorders.

“El programa SPOT es un enfoque innovador para la salud pública y ayudará a todos en el condado de Broward: los participantes, el público y nuestros primeros en responder desechando de manera segura las jeringas usadas y reduciendo las muertes por opioides. Estamos orgullosos de financiar este servicio crucial ". dijo Kathleen Cannon, presidenta / directora ejecutiva de United Way del condado de Broward.

Sobre Care Resource:
Care Resource provides affordable, high-quality healthcare and support services to the most vulnerable and diverse medically underserved populations of South Florida. We offer comprehensive health and support services to address the full healthcare needs of our pediatric, adolescent, and adult patients. A 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), we have four locations located in Midtown Miami, Little Havana, Miami Beach, and Fort Lauderdale.

Comunicado de prensa PDF
El folleto SPOT PDF
Biografías del personal PDF
Care Resource Facts & Figures PDF
El logo SPOT PNG
Las fotos de SPOT 
Care Resource logo SVG

Para consultas de los medios, comuníquese con Jonathan Welsh, Director Asociado de Comunicaciones y Desarrollo en

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