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pruebamiamiCare Resource’s Health Promotion and Linkage Department received two awards and one nomination from TESTMiami’s Symposium and Award Ceremony held on Thursday, December 8, 2016 hosted by the Miami-Dade County Health Department.

La iniciativa "Test Miami" es un esfuerzo de colaboración entre el Departamento de Salud de Florida y el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Miami-Dade, organizaciones comunitarias, organizaciones religiosas, proveedores de atención médica, el Centro de Desarrollo para la Investigación del SIDA de la Universidad de Miami, Florida International Escuela Universitaria de Salud Pública y Escuela de Periodismo, Universidad Nova Southeastern, Escuela de Salud Pública Rollins de la Universidad Emory, funcionarios de la ciudad, condado, estado y nacional y ciudadanos preocupados que tienen como objetivo poner fin a la epidemia del VIH / SIDA, una importante amenaza para la salud de Miami -Condado de Dade. 

Care Resource received the Exceptional Performance Awards in “HIV Testing” and “Linkage to Care.”

Care Resource understands that HIV testing and Linkage to Care are crucial for successful HIV treatment. Delayed linkage impacts medical outcomes and HIV transmission; it creates longer time for viral suppression and increases the risk of hospitalization. Linkage lays the groundwork for future retention in care. This award reflects Care Resource’s excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS as it works to fulfill its mission and have a positive impact on Miami-Dade communities.

Care Resource received a special recognition award for STD screenings and Finding the highest syphilis Morbidity

Syphilis is very prevalent amongst men who have sex with men and has been on the rise in Miami-Dade County for the past couple of years. Care Resource through a partnership with the local department of Health and United Way of Miami, offers a syphilis test as part of its free STI screening panel available at Care Resource’s Broward, Midtown and Little Havana offices. Syphilis infections are treated with a basic round of antibiotics. 

Un Care Resource staff was nominated for the “Counselor of the Year” Award.

Congratulations Mario Camargo. As a certified HIV testing counselor, Mario and 12 other staff from the Care Resource Health Promotion department provide essential risk reduction counseling and referral  to medical care to individuals interested to find out their status for HIV, or to receive treatment.

Care Resource has demonstrated excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS as it works to fulfill its mission and have a positive impact on Broward and Miami-Dade communities. Our work in the community has earned us the confidence of our clients and funding sources at local, state and federal levels. We provide comprehensive prevention services like HIV Testing, Sexually Transmitted  Infections ( STI) testing, wellness screenings as well as risk reduction and behavioral  Interventions for those at risk.

Care Resource es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) y un centro de salud calificado a nivel federal (FQHC) con ubicaciones en los condados de Miami-Dade y Broward. Care Resource brinda atención médica primaria y preventiva integral, que incluye atención dental, servicios de farmacia internos y servicios de salud conductual/abuso de sustancias a todas las personas en las diversas comunidades del sur de Florida. Para obtener más información, visite o llame al (305) 576-1234.

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