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Keri Kratofil, PharmD, Chief Executive Officer


Dr. Keri Kratofil is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Care Resource Community Health Centers, Inc. as of July 1, 2024.

Dr. Kratofil served as Chief Operations Officer since July 1, 2023, before assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer. Care Resource’s Board of Directors chose Dr. Kratofil after a thorough selection process. Kratofil worked closely with the previous CEO, Rick Siclari, to ensure a smooth transition.

Dr. Keri Kratofil received her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from the University of South Carolina.

In her previous role with Walgreens, she was one of the first Florida-licensed pharmacists to provide immunizations. In addition, she managed the first COVID-19 pharmacist-led testing facilities in the cities of Miami and Sunrise, expanded this model to other retail locations, spearheaded the first pharmacist test-and-treatment program for the flu throughout the state of Florida and in other states, and developed a company-wide program to provide flu testing.

I am both honored and thrilled to introduce myself as the new CEO of Care Resource. As I step into this role, I am filled with a profound sense of excitement and anticipation for the incredible journey ahead. The path we are about to embark on together is one of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to our shared mission of enhancing health and well-being in our community. – Dr. Keri Kratofil, CEO

When she is not further serving patients, Keri enjoys attending InterMiamiCF matches and cheering for the University of South Carolina’s Gamecocks.

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